Monday, November 14, 2005

random acts of kindness

Kindness goes a long way in a world that is unloving. If society constantly fed us images of people giving just to make other people feel special...instead of images of people buying things to make themselves feel special...then things might start making sense in people's minds.

I've found perhaps a new favorite quote, but it's just one of many. It's at the end of the post. Tuesdays with Morrie is great, but I don't agree with his religious views (obviously enough if you know me at all.) I do believe that there are good things in every he did...but I have found that Christianity is the only true religion.

Here's the quote though:

"...if you're trying to show off for people at the top, forget it. They will look down on you anyhow. And if you're trying to show off for people at the bottom, forget it. They will only envy you. Status will get you nowhere."

Saturday, November 12, 2005

On the google quote of the day

Erma Bombeck - "There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child."

That's true, but not necesarily true of me I don't think. I have great memories of my dad reading the Christmas story to us before we would do anything regarding presents. Sure...I wasn't paying too much attention at the time because I really wanted my presents, but now I'm thankful. Being a Christian, I can wake up on Christmas morning and remember why I am celebrating to begin with. I can also remember that I have a wonderful family that loves me. Lucky me :)

Now Playing: The Format - Let's Make This Moment A Crime
Now Typing: World Lit Rought Draft

Let's give it another shot

I get tired of blogs quickly...and quite frankly I find them to be a big waste of time. But has that ever stopped me before? I propose that it hasn't.

I'm really really fed up with relationships right now. So much that I'm calling it quits altogether for the time being. There's no sense at all in me getting worked up over stupid stuff, losing countless hours over thinking about this tripe. Noone should do that. I haven't lost any sleep over it yet though. Well, at least not from women. I've been losing sleep from the ignorant yahoo that keeps changing the hall temperature to 90 plus degrees and then waking up in almost the fires of hell because every other person in the hall closed the vents and opened their windows. Some people don't understand just how bad it is to run a heater full blast with all of the vents shut except two of them, those two being in MY ROOM.

See....this is why I don't like blogs too much. I just wasted lots of time that I could be devoting to other things.

4 research papers and a book report are here, time to get to work.

Here are the topics for 3 of the 4 papers:

1) A Comparison of the lives of Wordsworth and Coleridge and how their relationship affected their writings

2) The origin of modern English swear words

3) The influence of Tolkien's criticism on Beowulf critics and the effect produced on later criticisms

I have a lot of work to do. Goodbye what little social life I have left.

I was going to ask someone on a date to go see a battle of the bands with me this friday night. I'm not sure, I still may but I don't know if I feel like messing with it. Regardless, I'll be there. The Hair of the Dog, Michael Logen plays at 9:30 and he's an excellent performer. You, the reader, should go too.

Let me get over these bloody sinus headaches and I'll get back to the problem of dating. I want to post something about dating at FWBBC anyway, get a few things offa my chest.

Now to read more of Tuesdays With Morrie and then to bed. Excellent excellent book so far.