Thursday, June 29, 2006


Picked up the new Frank Black cd "Fast Man Raider Man" today at Tower on the way back from the public library. So far, so good. I really enjoy Frank's ability to migrate from rock to country rock so seemlessly. Not too many musicians could do that and still get everyone to take them seriously. As with every Frank Black album, however, it takes time to grow on you before you start to notice the amazing songwriting skills put forth on each song. He's probably one of the best songwriters in America right now, so seeing him on his upcoming solo tour might not be such a bad idea if you are into that sort of thing.

At the library, I borrowed Michael Savage - The Political Zoo and let me tell you, it's a riot! Check out this passage:

"Still, what most people remember of Alec [Baldwin], the political blowhard, is his claim that he would leave the country should George W. win the 2000 election.

Bon voyage moron.

Now Baldwin denies he ever made the claim.

Sorry, Alec. Such stale acting may have cut it in Pearl Harbor but not while Savage holds the keys to the cages. Alec Bald-faced-lie had his original statement caught on tape and verified by people within earshot. People like his own wife." - p.12-13

Gotta love the frankness of Mr. Savage. You owe it to yourself to at least get this book from the library.


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