A man named FM Esfandiary, a self-proclaimed "transhumanist", legally changed his name to FM-2030 in his earlier life. He is quoted [unknown source] as saying, "The name 2030 reflects my conviction that the years around 2030 will be a magical time…In 2030 we will be ageless and everyone will have an excellent chance to live forever. 2030 is a dream and a goal."
A reporter for the NY Times, when analyzing the character of FM-2030 said, "Esfandiary is an optimist. He has hope, because he has a deep faith in man. He is convinced that technological progress, the contact of cultures, etc…. will free man from his present miseries. Given time, man will even deliver himself from his supreme tragedy --- death. Man can be made perfect."
FM-2030 is now deceased from pancreatic cancer and remains cyrogenically frozen.
FM-2030 made predictions about how traditionalists would deminish in the future, which is, oddly enough, also what Aldous Huxley predicted in Brave New World. FM-2030 was more of an optimist however, and he viewed the utopian global society as more of an achieveable goal.
When asked to comment on the current state of human affairs and the progress of the betterment of society through technology, FM-2030 said nothing because he's still dead.
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