wrap up

So, today I woke up at 9:00 am after a rather restless night of sleep, messed around on the computer for a while, went into town and messed around and all that good stuff. One of my main goals for the day was to rearrange my room, which entitled me going through LOADS AND LOADS of crap that I had forgotten about. Some of it was fantastic. I found one of my old textbooks that I had drawn funny captions about the pictures in. It reminded me of the good ole' days. Even if the so called "good ole' days" involved me being picked on by a kid that was half my size with an egg-shaped head. It made me into the person I am today...a person that is still dateless for Valentines day. I used to not really care about this holiday too much, but the fact that I haven't found a date yet kind of bothers me to some extent. But only to some extent. I'm still holding out for SOMEbody.
Whoa, so that was a little off track.........my main point was supposed to be about how I feel like crapola because I inhaled enough dust in one night to last me forever and 10 more days to boot.
I'm on season two of the OC. There's no possible way that that much drama could happen to ONE family. No way. For some strange reason, I still like the show. I'll never be able to explain it.
I'm working on my summer plans. If things work out, I'll probably be around Nashville this summer instead of North Carolina again.
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