World cup streaming and parkour!
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Ok, whatever.
Today I have a story. I made a delivery with my co-worker to a certain hospital in Nashville. It was a routiene bed delivery except for the fact that it was almost 4 when we left my place of work and we quit at 5 every day. So, we were a little pushed for time and were trying to make it as quick as possible. We found the room and delivered the bed, but could not put it in the room due to an airborne disease which was present in the room. No big deal, right? WRONG! We have to get paperwork signed saying that, hey, we dropped off this equipment and these are the correct item numbers on the equpiment. Anyone can sign, as long as we have a signature. Well, apparently noone likes to take responsibility for these types of things in hospitals, so we eventually got directed to this evil, evil man who was sitting behind a desk. My coworker said "We just need you to sign."
The man replied, "Oh, so we need YOU to sign?"
"No, we just need you or someone to sign it" said my coworker.
"So who do I sign as? Anyone?"
"Just sign your name."
"Oh so I just sign "Your Name" as my name?" smiled the secretary.
"Ok, let's see here.......YOUR.....NAME," said the man as he wrote his signature at the bottom of the picture.
As we were leaving, I overheard him saying "Heh. That gets em every time!"
WHAT!!!!!! What the heck? He is just an evil man. I contemplated going back and grabbing a handful of his candy which was next to a box marked "candy fund" but I figured that would be out of line.
Well....anyway, I learned a bit today about "parkour" today too. It's a very interesting sport, almost a martial art, which is gaining popularity in countries such as France, Russia and Germany. The art is also called "free-running" by some. In short, people train themselves to excellent physical fitness and then take off running across cityscapes. The results are nothing short of amazing and are akin to the movements of the superhero Spiderman at times. Wall kicks, rolls, building jumps, diving through small holes...and all of this is only the beginning. The creators of the sport are Sébastien Foucan and David Belle, who have been participating in the self-called "philosophy" of parkour for almost 10 years. Making the news recently, the French-made movie District B-13 features amazing stunts by various parkour participants, including David Belle himself. Check out the following video and be amazed, be VERY amazed.
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