Teeth Cleaning and Good Service

So I went to the dentist today to get my semi-annual teeth cleaning that I have somehow put off for 2 years. Well, a kind looking lady proceeded to wreak havoc upon my mouth with the above tool, and then she told me that I have a cavity. So, basically I have to go back in and let her wreak more havoc upon my mouth, which I'm sure she will enjoy.
I looked into a hosting solution for my future website, that being TCM Hosting Solutions, which came at recommendation. I went through with most of the registration process and then decided that I needed to wait a while to develop a bit of content before I go ahead with a purchase. One of the service techs from the company actually called me to see if there had been a problem with the method of payment I had chosen. The dude left his cell phone number w/ me to reach him back on. It's good to know that the company that I will be hosting with has that kind of relationship with their customers. Oh, and they're local. Seems ideal for a small-time blog oriented site such as mine. Regardless, I am still working on finishing up this semester of grad school before I make any move toward content design. 3 papers and 2 presentations stand in my way.
On another note, I submitted a conference paper proposal to the Tennessee Philological Association meeting, which will be held at Austin Peay State University. Hopefully I will get in. That'd be different.
Great work.
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